澳洲致力開發養殖飼料魚油類飼料替代品開發養殖飼料魚油替代品,除了能大大降低養殖業對捕撈漁業提供多元不飽和脂肪酸(omega-3)的依賴,也能克服水產養殖擴張所面臨的阻礙。 澳洲Deakin大學科學家於尋找替代性脂質來源調查活動之評論與研討會中提出,研究重點以飼料品質(fish 會場佈置quality)、魚攝餌表現(fish performance)、飼料效能(feed efficiency)、脂質新陳代謝(lipid metabolism)、最終餵投品質(final eating quality)與相關經濟成本等考量下的魚油替代品對有鰭魚類(finfish)營養影響之最新研究報告。 攝食脂質(dietary lipids)是確保健康成長、酒店兼職繁衍與正常功能的魚類生長必須有多元不飽和脂肪酸;而全球現有90%魚油用於養殖飼料脂質來源。養殖業在受限於全球魚油價格不斷攀升、供應短缺,並飽受科學家與環保團體等多方壓力下,不斷開發魚油替代品。 研究報告表示,幾乎能餵投各種有鰭魚類,並無明顯影響成長行為與飼料效能的蔬菜禮服油、動物脂質,能替代約七成五的食用魚油脂質來源。然而,當有不同魚種對魚油替代品產生特別反應時,即須尋求更多符合生態友善(eco-friendly)與具成本效益的養殖飼料配方。(摘譯自Infofish Trade News NO. 3/2009,16 February 2009 )AUSTRALIA ALTERNATIVES FOR FISH OIL IN 西裝外套AQUAFEEDS STUDIEDFish oil replacement for farmed fish feeds may help reduce the aquaculture industry’s dependence on wild fisheriesfor their essential omega-3 requirements. This move may also help overcome existing barriers that impede theindustry’s expansion.A 禮服new study done by a scientist at Deakin University, Australia provides a review and discussion of researchactivities conducted to evaluate alternative lipid sources. It focusses on the effects of fish oil replacement in finfishnutrition on feed quality, fish 租房子performance, feed efficiency, lipid metabolism, final eating quality and relatedeconomic aspects.Dietary lipids are required by fish as an essential source of omega-3 for regular growth, health, reproduction andbodily functions. At present, aquafeeds use about 90% 個人信貸of the global supply of fish oil as a lipid source. In additionto the rising global fish oil prices and limited supplies, the aquaculture industry is under intense pressure from bothscientists and environmental groups to find and implement alternatives to fish 太平洋房屋oil.The review concludes that about 75% of dietary fish oil can be substituted with alternative lipid sources, such asvegetable oils and animal fats, without significantly affecting growth performance, feed efficiency and intake foralmost all finfish species. 酒店兼職However, as different species respond differently to fish oil diet replacement, furtherresearch is required for the realization of eco-friendly and cost effective aquafeeds.

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